Total Reviews: 632
July 12, 2024
This is very concentrated lions mane powder compared to other brands I have had and a reason why I order it in a regular basis. I use it as a tea base, depending on if other herbs are added. This concentrated powder brings mental clarity and ease of thought process.
- E Stokes
June 29, 2024
So glad I purchased this product. This case works great!
- Ari K
June 29, 2024
I really love the Lucidity honey! I take this before meditating, it helps keeping me calm and relaxed during meditation. I definitely will be purchasing again and can’t wait to try out the other honey too.
- Ari K
June 22, 2024
I traveled to the metacenter because six months ago I experienced an event that caused grief and left me not feeling like myself. I allowed Tony to choose the omni-mind tuning that would be best for my situation due to his expertise. Immediately following the session I was euphoric, relaxed, and thankful for the release of the emotions that were tying me down. It has been a weeks since my session and I still feel great. People travel all over the world searching for what can be found right at the metacenter Chicago. Give yourself the gift of healing today and try an omni-mind session. 🩷
- Shavonne
June 20, 2024
I have used it 2 days in a row now since it came in. Results, bitter like a camel eating a lemon. But energy second to a thousand suns burning with-in!
- Naney O
June 5, 2024
On the right side of my body, I noticed the grey hair starting to turn back to black. Unfortunately that’s when I ran out of the product. It was explained the monatomic gold may have given my body the minerals it was lacking that allowed the gray in the first place.

I just reordered….
- Weaver
June 5, 2024
I received it as a gift so I had no expectations but the mental clarity it provided was undeniable
- Weaver
June 4, 2024
Hey family, i just finished another exhilarating OmniMind-Mind Tuning. Needless to was awesome!

Our "Resident Shaman"...Tony Vortex...worked his magic again... through his cutting edge therapeutic proprietary groundbreaking technology!

I requested the therapy for manifestation for a 2nd time. And, just like the previous session. I experienced a financial manifestation...that i will attribute to Tony's private session with me.

However, this time the manifestation came much the same day! Lol

As soon as i got home from our session in Chicago...i just happened to check a lottery ticket that i had purchased. And i kid you is a $240 winner! That paid for my trip and my "OmniMind-Mind Tuning session".

i am excited to see what other manifestations show up in my life...after this last session.

The 1st session...i fully believe...sparked a $2000 lump sum bonus...that showed up at a time...when it was an excellent benefit for me!

Needless to say, for those of you who are on the fence about experiencing the "OmniMind" tuning session for yourself...i would suggest you book a session while you still can...because i plan to "hog up" all the sessions in the near future! Lol

So, if you can't get a personal session until 2025!!! don't get mad at me! Lol

Just being funny family...much love to you all!
- David Jamison
June 2, 2024
This is very good cocoa. I add this to my coffee and it’s very energetic.
- Ed
May 27, 2024
The book is awesome and striaght to the point 👍🏿
- Tabitha jones
May 18, 2024
With so much information out there this book connected the dots with every culture, ideology or experience. Very forward and straight to the point. Excellent read if you are seeking answers or truths.
- Bianca
May 10, 2024
Great taste smooth and transcendent
- D. P.
May 8, 2024
I initially got this for my cellphone but after opening the box I let The Most High lead and put this directly on my chest. I felt the power of this shoot across my chest and to both arms immediately sending a calming vibration throughout my body. And that is what I've been using it for the entire week. Notice some pain in my shoulder, I place this on the skin to the area and within a few seconds, pain gone! I chose to leave the sticker part on because I may very well want to attach it some day. Or I may buy another to attach. I hold this in my hand while using my cellphone or tablet because the energy coming from that cellphone always makes my hands hurt so much that I avoid touching it as much as possible. This is such a great product that I even sleep with it. Being highly sensitive, I experience everythang on a deeper level so I'm always looking for natural ways to protect myself and energy field as the planet continues to shift. This, plus the colloidal gold has really been helping. I'm beyond grateful to Dr. Delbert Blair for all he has done to assist me. May his work continue to awaken many. Protection and freedom to you Dr. Blair. And thank you Tony for continuing the work. If not for The Meta Center, I would be completely lost on this level (class) of my journey. Thank you.
Empress Nanukali
- ancestralpowernow
May 7, 2024
[Purchased at The Meta-Center]

Two months on this consistently and I’ve had another month with no period symptoms . No cramping, no irrational anxiety, just a nice transition. So grateful
- Evie
May 5, 2024
Wow! That is such a powerful rendering of the historical cosmology of the "beginnings of our beginning!"
It reverberates with power...just in the retelling of what preceded...our present concepts...of what is possibly happening...and manipulating our present consciousness...
in this time and space...that we (those with a soul)....perceive to be interacting within!

Again Wow!
When will the next chapter be unveiled/released...for those seeking to hear/learn more?
Thanks for sharing, Tony!
- David Jamison
May 4, 2024
Always perfect timing with Tony Vortex and the Meta-Center's releasing a new dose of powerful awakenings within these pages. It's like a wanderer walking through a desert, days it feels like with no water until finally an apparition shows and provides a motivation to keep moving forward, finally reaching water to quench. That's what this book feels like, a much needed drink of water of knowledge in this matrix world desert. Self-care for the mind body and soul.

It's so deep and captivating I finished it in one sitting. It's so descriptive it felt like I was seeing a movie in my head as I was reading it. Great reminder of who we are. Thank you Tony Vortex for this much need drink of water~
- Marisela
May 4, 2024
Great e-Book !!!
I like how Tony took ancient religious, tales, beliefs, folklore, mythology (etc...) stories from around the world and formed a version about the beginning of time/creation. It was very helpful how he mentioned Dungeons and Dragons (video game) as well as the Game of Thrones to give readers a better understanding. Eventhough I haven't seen either of them, I do know their storylines. The e-book does put me in the mind of two movies I've seen: Thor and Star Wars which have to do with the wars/battles going on in the heavens, outer space, other dimensions and realms.
It also reminded me about a book called Urantia which has a similar storyline. I was listening to a guy online giving a short summary/narrative on it and how the stories in the book compared to what was written in the bible including ancient Sumerian, Egyptian, and Dogon text. Very curious to find out how it all ends !!!!
- June
April 30, 2024
I highly recommend this brain food supplement. I just read that colidal gold may help with getting that nano stuff out of your body. God bless Dr. Kia and Dr. Vortex. I found them on Rumble discussing how we need precious metals in (and on) our body. I sense more clarity after taking this. I sense more peace and a sense of self and deeper connection to Creator God. I have more joy. This is definitely something that raises your vibrations!
- Ruth
April 26, 2024
Had this cold in my throat for years but it's no match for my colloidal copper
- Sheron
April 24, 2024
Enjoying the benefits this product offers. Very appreciated!
- James Gordon
April 24, 2024
Enjoying the relief of discomfort from electromagnetic waves. Thanks!
- James Gordon
April 23, 2024
Great product
- James
April 19, 2024
Amazing product works as described
- JR
April 14, 2024
Profound...exhilarating...and at the same time surreal...and yet deeply relaxing and serene.

This is going to tax my vocabulary trying to convey the inner and outer mechanisms that are at play...and yet gentle...and reassuring!

One has to incrementally grasp the healing that takes place subtly within your consciousness in an intense...but yet, "baby soft" explosion of your senses...cascading finally into a gentle summers you feel your conscious awaken and expand!

It is my opinion, that the Master...Dr. Delbert Blair would very well be "pleased" with the work of his "Spiritual Son...and Grand Shaman"...Tony Vortex!

Our Grand Shaman has developed a "missing link" for a fully integrated technology...for novices and experienced meditators explore the subconscious depths of their unveil a plethora of wonderful explorations of the body and mind.

"With All Thy Getting" must experience for themselves what none other...but the seeker...may unveil! Those unchartered realms that lie within us all!

All, this Elder can say to you is...if it is at all your space and time...PLEASE treat this wonderful offering...that our own Grand Shaman can afford you!

It is my highest opinion...that you will NOT regret your decision.

Remember, sometimes spiritual gifts are offered...HOWEVER, it up to the seeker/acolyte to "accept" the offering!

As I believe...Tony would say..."Real Talk!" lol

My comments above...refer to my own personal experience on April 6, 2024. Whereas...for hours after my personal session...i maintained a deep sense of relaxation and clarity...the likes of which...was reminiscent of my 1st conscious ascension over 50 yrs. ago...when I experienced...a similar type of introspection...that since...had eluded me...UNTIL my most recent session with Tony...our resident Grand Shaman!

Thank you again Tony for affording me this opportunity to experience the "in-house magic" of the MetaCenterChicago

- David Jamison
April 12, 2024
Greet futuristic product. I carry two in my pockets everyday(left and right sides) and put two on my pc, wireless router, and computer monitor. Thank you Blair for these amazing products and to Tony for keeping these amazing things current. RIP Dr. Blair.
- Sal
April 12, 2024
Great amount we get for the price. This will clearly last me a long time .
- Sal
April 10, 2024
I tried the Foundation L&D tea after having Covid last year. I had been having some issues with my Kindeys and covid seems to have made things worse, as far as how I was feeling. After discussing things over with Tony I agreed to give the foundation tea a try. Just like the previous reviewers commented, I felt it working almost instantly. My internal organs have really responded to this tea. I plan to incorporate it into my monthly "stay healthy routine." Thank you Meta-Center!
- Elaine Shaw
March 30, 2024
- D.
March 29, 2024
I'm leaving another review, so I can give the OmniMind Tuning a much higher score !!!
It was that good !!! 👍🏾
- June
March 29, 2024
The OmniMind Tuning session was a magnificent experience. The results were better than I would have ever imagined !!
It's hard for me to describe and put into words. Nothing similar has ever happened like this before in my life until now.
After explaining it to Tony, he said I had an Out of Body experience, which surprised me because I always thought you would be asleep in order for an (OB) to happen. I wasn't asleep, but my mind left me (my body) and I saw people and went places I couldn't describe. One time I found myself flying over some buildings. Overall, the feeling was relaxing, strange and quite wonderful. After I left the Meta Center, I started to feel really good and upbeat. It lifted my mood and vibration.
I highly recommend EVERYONE to have it done. I look forward to my next Mind Tuning to see how my next out of body exp. will be !!!
Personally, if I could do this every day, I would.
Thank you, Thank you and Thank you Tony/Meta Center Chicago ❤️🥰
- June
March 27, 2024
Great product and blended to perfection as the flavors are infused perfectly. Leaves me feeling relaxed when I use it with my tea at night and truly puts my mind in a flow state for meditation. It is also great when mixed with the Goji Honey too.
- E Stokes
March 24, 2024
I always knew this was a great product. I bought it from other places, but this is of great quality. I can definitely tell the difference in what I use to get. Thank you! Will buy more soon!!!
- P.
March 24, 2024
- D.p
March 23, 2024
I feel like this has a very nourishing & fortifying effect on the body. I have it regularly with tea and a little goes a long way. I noticed improvements in my energy levels as well as feeling more restored after sleeping. I feel sharper and more balanced throughout the day. I highly recommend!
- T Smith
March 16, 2024
I purchased the EMF Blocking Beanie Hat during the summer of 2023. However, upon receipt I sat in my bedside table for months. Finally after 6 months I decided to wear it one night when retiring to bed for the evening. I can say to you it was one of the most relaxing nights of sleep I'd experienced in awhile. For my apartment building is located in what I call "transportation central." Why? Well, 1) our building is in the flight landing pattern of a nearby airport, 2) the train to and from NYC is four blocks away 3) the bus route to and from NYC passes by right in front of our building and 4) one of Verizon's power building is on the same block and 2 blocks away. So, it can be difficult to rest due to the constant activity. However, I found the EMF blocking beanie hat to be a a calming tool and lifesaver for getting a good night's rest.
- Yoli
March 15, 2024
I am enjoying this product very much. I use my as a nasal spray.. really get the benefits of staying healthy with clear passages
- Vonie
March 9, 2024
Awesome product. Will purchase this product again.
- anthony
March 5, 2024
The Tapestry inspires insight. Nice big poster for viewing and re-viewing.
- E.R.
March 5, 2024
Keeping it real... at first I wasn't taking the product consistently nor did I purpose a time when I was taking it. Now that I've actually been consistent, I have moments of focus on demand that are starting to last longer. I feel I'm more aware of information and recollect my thoughts smoother allowong me to stay in my flow throughout the day. I'm looking forward to the healing & elevation of my mind and body in the near future!

- Peace Up & Much Love
- Deshé J.
February 28, 2024
I highly recommend this product. It noticed it was working the day I started taking it. My stomach is flat due to so much waste that has been released. I'm not done with it yet and already see the results that are promised. Thanks to Dr. Delbert Blair and the Meta Center family for their work.
- taylor.curtis24
February 19, 2024
I've read some great info. about how wonderful the berry is as a superfood, even though I hadn't ever tried it before.
I wanted another powerful fruit besides blueberry to add/mix to my drinks I make. First, I tried it separately. The maqui berry taste pretty good by itself. I love the added health benefits it provides along with the rest of the ingredients once combined together in my juices and smoothies. I most certainly will be buying more in the near future !!!
Thank you !!!
- June
February 19, 2024
I purchased this item as an alternative/substitute to leafy greens. I take it for the chlorophyll as well as other nutritional benefits without eating a bunch of vegetables everyday. I mix it with fruit and other green powder packs from the Metacenter.
I love that I'm receiving a high quality product from a trusted site. Some places are not so good or safe to purchase
this algae. I definitely recommend trying it out for all the nutritional value it has to offer. Especially, since most people don't ever consume plants from the sea !!!
- June
February 19, 2024
I really enjoy this product because I'm able to fix drinks very quickly now rather than before which took quite a while. I also was trying to create a more nutritional beverage to help with the lack of nutrients in our food. I mix it with other fruit/berry and veggie/algae powders I've ordered from the Metacenter's website. The finished product turned out better than I expected. The taste was pleasant. ❤️🥰👍🏾
- June
February 19, 2024
I enjoy this product because I'm able to fix drinks very quickly now rather than before which would took quite a while. Also, the need for more nutrition/nutrients within smaller quantities. It's impossible to eat enough food each day to receive the daily amount of vitamins and minerals needed for the human body/mind. I've created a natural, healthy, and nutritious drink so that I'm not relying solely on supplements. I mixed it with the other fruits/berries and veggie/algae powders that are list on the Metacenter's website. Surprisingly, it tastes great !!! Better than I thought it would. 🥰
- June
February 19, 2024
Awesome product, this product makes me feel good.
- husia9
February 17, 2024
The product arrived timely, well-packaged, and with helpful informational cards inside and a personal note from Tony/Team thanking me for my purchase - excellent customer experience!!! The pepper is in a nice size, black zip bag that is very well secured and closes tight once you rip off the safety seal to use. Not only did it have a vibrant red look, but the smell immediately let me know this was fresh. I've used it twice - once in food and another in juice, and this is the truth!!! It's been difficult for me to find real cayenne that isn't mass-produced with potential fillers, so this makes me happy! When fruit season gets in full swing, I cannot wait to add this to some of my homemade cold pressed fresh juice. Total gamechanger!
- Toni Z.
February 17, 2024
I've now used the product 5-7 times. The package arrived flawlessly, with many helpful informational cards, and was packed with care. Very impressive!! The colloidal combo is the first I've ever tried, and immediately on that first try, I felt a burst of energy. Subsequently, it hasn't been as noticeable, but I can't deny that initial charge I felt. It is tasteless and looks like a tinge of purple. I put a dropperful in plain water, but I also tried it with juice (it doesn't matter since it's tasteless, and I don't think juice negates any benefit). I've researched the benefits and am hopeful to experience improved hair, skin, and nails, less inflammation, and improved immunity because of the anti-bacterial properties. This early in the game, I'm only seeing a reduction in inflammation and stronger nails - both wins and alone worthy of the purchase. Thanks, Tony + team!
- Toni Z.
February 14, 2024
Great tasting, I replaced this black tea instead of drinking coffee.✅
- Ellis Riley
February 12, 2024
I did not hesitate at all to purchase this specific tea. It’s truly living up to its benefits listed. I’ve been dealing with urinary and kidney issues for some time now. As soon as I took the first sip I felt an immediate relief. I’m excited to continue drinking this tea on a daily basis because keeping the kidney channel clear is very important for the function of the rest of the body! I definitely recommend this product to anyone just wanting overall good health and vibes!
- courtneyb.cb
February 8, 2024
I use this product all the time in my smoothie drinks and coffee.
- Alvin
February 7, 2024
I use the Gigi honey, lavender honey with be well tea. Great energy in the morning. Replaced coffee and energy drinks.
- Ellis Riley
February 7, 2024
I love the Chlorella product.
- Alvin
February 7, 2024
Busier dreams and sounder sleep in one of using the Monotomic Gold Spray.
- Nikkea
January 31, 2024
This product is very amazing and helpful. Have great benefits
- Tiedra
January 31, 2024
I just started taking this 1 week ago. I take 2-3 doses per day. I heard about Dr. Blair through Dr. Kia's interview with Dr. Vortex.
I notice I'm calmer in stressful situations. More focused, more atuned to the supernatural. A bit more energy. Can't take it at night since I'll be awake and energetic! Way better than caffeine! Great product! I love it. Will buy more!!!
- Ruth
January 21, 2024
So glad I found this! It really works. Thank you
- Arianna
January 8, 2024
Been eager to try this cinnamon compared to the regular ones on the grocery shelves that I've only been using. The flavor and aroma awakened my taste buds. A big difference. I include this with my cacao (also ordered from the Meta Center). Love the combination of the two as a cold or hot beverage. They complement each other very well. Never going back to the old stuff. It's a keeper !!! 🥰
- June
January 8, 2024
Really pleased Tony placed the cacao online for purchase. When I want something warm to drink, my first choice is this. The other options are second best (tea). I like to add (into a pot) some fresh dry purple sea moss, vegan milk and spices like clove and cinnamon which I also ordered from the Meta Center. The only thing I keep forgetting to buy is the vanilla for it. Unlike most people, I enjoy mine's with spice. Recently, I made a cold or room temp version with one baby banana, plant base milk along with cinnamon, clove and a little brown sugar. Added all the ingredients into a blender. It turned out very nice. Real cacao is a wonderful, natural alternative. Far better and much healthier than the imitation stuff you find in the stores !!!
- June
January 8, 2024
I like this as well been using in mouth and on joints that have been bothersome find it helps alot.
- Vonie
January 8, 2024
This is essential for me. Helps my sinuses and allergies so much can imagine not having this. Good Taste
- Vonie
January 8, 2024
First time using this product, I feel energized after taking. i also like the benefits of taking a mineral in to body less aches as well.
- Shavon
January 8, 2024
I originally purchased the clay to cleanse my body internally, but after learning about the other benefits from it, now I also use it as a natural toothpaste, which I prefer over the coconut oil, baking soda and peroxide solution. The results are far better. My teeth feel much cleaner. Even though I don't have any skin issues, I plan to start using it to was my face. At the moment I'm just using soap and water with a little oil. The Bentonite would be a much better facial cleanser. Once I finish this pack, I'm going to order some more. This clay is more pleasant to use then the others I've used in the past.
Thank you !!!🥰
- June
January 8, 2024
I combine it with Bentonite Clay to remove toxins/heavy metals and to prevent constipation which may occur when I ingesting the clay. I take it first thing in the morning with warm water. Feel great the rest of the day.
Thx !!!
- June
January 6, 2024
- Muwanika
January 6, 2024
- Muwanika
January 6, 2024
Satisfied, returning Kastomar aka Customer in Western Spell englosh
- Muwanika
January 4, 2024
This report literally changed my life in October 2020 I requested a relocation chart. I was on the brink of moving from Ohio to Arizona. The chart changed my course and I've been living in Texas the last 3 years! Everything was on point and I'm so grateful to Dr. Blair and The Meta Center for making this possible for my family and me. I created a YouTube video about my experience and I've had so many people reach out asking me how to get theirs. It took me years to find this link but I'm going to make a new video to share you link with others so they to can find out what the possibilities lie ahead before making a major move! Thanks again. With Gratitude, Rita
- Rita L
January 3, 2024
Great product
- Fredrick Dixon
January 3, 2024
I purchased this product after hearing an interview. I was curious as to what would happen if l took the product. Since l have taken it, my dream life has come full circle. My night vision are clear and precise. I purchased additional products and have passed them out for others to be enlightened. I am going to be a repeat customer. I am recommending it. You will not be disappointed.
- Yvonne R
December 26, 2023
Yummy will order more
- Menola
December 24, 2023
Peace, I truly feel myself beginning to heal, slowly but surely. I believe this product is a great start towards better prostrate health. Thank you so much.
- Benjamin
December 24, 2023
Works wonders, I am a middle aged man & this tea makes me feel like I was in my teenage years again ... & my wife noticed the big difference as well; Thank You Ancestors for passing this knowledge of herbs down through the generations & for God blessing us with the Metacenter, for the modern day people.
- Mr. Kirk Anistead
December 21, 2023
4 Stars
- B & C Blair
December 6, 2023
It's an excellent product that does what it says.
- Tisha
November 21, 2023
I bought the variety pack and planted a Bell pepper seed in a pot as a tester.. I wish I could upload the pics. of the beautiful, vibrant green plant heavy with peppers. I'm ordering again 😁
- Mario B.
November 20, 2023
Great product, I loved the results, will purchase again
- Steven Cook
November 17, 2023
I most certainly will take Monatomic Gold for the rest of my life !!! I haven't had any issues with anxiety. I feel like it's completely gone. I still go through stressful situations in my life, but it hasn't created or caused any symptoms of anxiety. None whatsoever. I'm so glad I tried this product.
Anxiety was something I struggled with. As you get older, it gets worse.

Metacenter much love !!!
- June
November 17, 2023
I used to drink hot caffeinated beverages, one of them being matcha powder. Unfortunately, I had to give them up, so I decided to try the Sencha tea. I must admit it's pretty good!! I love the flavor/taste. To me, it's a great alternative, that has a list of health benefits than matcha powder and the other regular green tea(s) most people drink. Great option for caffeine free drinkers. Thx Metacenter !!!
- June
November 17, 2023
Well, I'm hoping to not make this lengthy but no promises.
Of course I first heard about this monatomic gold from the Great Master Teacher Dr. Delbert Blair. I admit, I was extremely late to the party yet fashionably if I do say so myself. Seeing I was in a country that made receiving packages difficult (customs, fees, may not arrive) I felt a little discouraged. I mainly wanted this to assist me, a ESP Empath with the different changes going on right now.

Well, as fate would have it I found myself back on US turf and immediately set out to grab a bottle of this as soon as I settled.
I've been taking this every shadow now since November 6 2023. Today's date is November 17 2023. Maybe because I'm super sensitive or meant to be, the first shadow I was wide awake talking to El Eloh, Eloheem. This wasn't strange, I'm always speaking to them but this shadow was as if I was sitting right in the room with them all. I could sense them, feel them. Of course no sleep that night. No dreams. The next few days (I keep a journal) I noticed a sense of bliss. Singing loudly, laughing while doing that. Which isn't unusual but now it seemed like I was having waaay too much fun.

Note worthy tips I can't leave out in this ramble. I have an enhanced sense of reasoning. Usually I would spend too much time thinking over things, now I seem to go through a process of reasoning and elimination naturally that I've brought up old things I have given up on to get down to the grit of them. A few shadows after the first, I was able to recall a dream perfectly even long after rising. This was never a issue until a few years ago where everything got cloudy. I can see clearly now the clouds are gone. I can also feel changes within my molecular structure... As weird as that may sound. I am a sensitive so tuning in to the body isn't an issue.
Another note is with the empathy. I usually stay away from others because I absorb it all. I've noticed that hasn't been the case lately since taking this amazing stuff.
It's both tasteless and has no odor which was a huge concern.

Since I got the 4oz bottle this is going to last for a good trial.

I'm sure I once knew what depression and sadness was, yet it seems like a myth now.

I'd also like to add I've also done changes with diet and have started studying scrolls and books which does help.

Taking this has changed so much in such a short time. I am extremely glad Blair was dropped in my awareness. May peace and blessings always be with his spirit
So much more I want to say but I will stop here.

Thank you to the meta Center
- Nanukali
November 10, 2023
Drinking Tulsi tea is a great way to start my day, because it has a calming effect on me. Before I began consuming it regularly, I noticed that when others around me were behaving frantically, I'd behave that way too. Now when people in my environment act frantically or agitated, I'm calm and that crazy energy rolls off me like water rolls off a duck's back. I also notice during the fall season when I experience allergies, it helps relax my lungs so that I breathe much easier. I recommend you trying it, thank you.
- Anj Stewart
November 1, 2023
I have been taking it for a long time and still get all the benefits it offers!
- Darrell McDonald
October 23, 2023
Must have!!!
- roz111770
October 23, 2023
Good buy!
- roz111770
October 23, 2023
Helpful. Must READ!!
- roz111770
October 14, 2023
Fresh and very fast delivery. Made a huge difference using it before work. Thank you
- James
October 1, 2023
Great product! I was'nt that crazy about the taste, more palatable when mixed with something. The product promotes a sense of wellness. I am an arthritis sufferer and with this honey I feel more comfortable throughout the day. Will continue monitoring the situation and will keep you posted. Charles North Carolina
- Charles Roberts
September 29, 2023
My first purchase on the Meta Center website, I must say this book is fascinating and more should be taught about healing through our food! In addition, food of thought, mind and heart.
- alexjbalog
September 28, 2023
If you can feel it working, then you know it's good !!! I take the powder first thing every morning. I had to stop taking it at night, because it was difficult for me to fall asleep (too much energy). The monatomic gold amplifies my mental power/abilities which makes anything I put my mind to manifest much easier. At one time I had to force myself to stop thinking about something, because if I didn't it would just keep happening when I was sleep. It almost became a routine thing where I didn't even have to focus or concentrate on it. And on that note, I would like to apologize !!! They know who they are.
Also, after reading the other reviews; Made me realize how this product has had a positive effect on my anxiety as well. I knew I seemed a little more calm/relax, but I didn't give it much thought, because I do meditate, pray and intermit fast. Love it. Thank you all !!!! 🥰
- June
September 20, 2023
This is the 3rd time I bought it. It has the necessary minerals and vitamins my body needs
- Ben
September 6, 2023
I really enjoy using the tarot cards for guidance on issues I struggle with intuitively. Great tool!
- Roosevelt Williams
September 3, 2023
This was my first purchase of this product, after buying other brands of Monotomic gold. I am very satisfied.
- Clem Crawford-El
September 1, 2023
I absolutely love this product!!! My husband bought it for me a couple of months ago. I had to come back and buy another when I ran out. It improves dream recall and restful sleep!
- Tara
August 26, 2023
This seed has a refreshing and null taste at the same time. Before you drink water it is null and void, but afterwards it is revitalizing. I love it.
- Naney O
August 17, 2023
Works for me and my son. I am so glad I continue to buy this product. I get a calming effect when I use this spray. It's very overwhelming in this world. This is my go too.
- Carol
August 17, 2023
I am very happy with my purchase. It has helped with clarity of my dreams. I have been experiencing a restful sleep.
- Carol
August 15, 2023
I take a teaspoon a day and since I 've been using it, I can feel a huge difference. The lions mane has made my mind stronger. I'm able to focus on tasks with ease and much clarity without breaking my concentration and without distractions. Also, I'm able to complete/get through my work faster. Thanks !!!
- June
August 15, 2023
I like excitement so since I've been sleeping with the Atlantean Dreamstone under my pillow my dreams have been vivid, active and exciting i also remember them. The stone is pretty, sometimes it sit and rub it and go into a calm meditation and its sturdy (a few times I 4got I had it in my pillow case and accidentally dropped it on the floor, it's okay though🙃)
- Kel Reese
August 15, 2023
Love love this supplement, I use it in my smoothie daily and I feel the difference when I don't use it because it gives me good energy and well being feeling when I take it. I highly recommend it to anyone that likes to feel good naturally.
- Kel Reese
August 8, 2023
Another successful order. I recommend the Meta-center Chicago cause they have products for all your needs.
- Whitney
August 5, 2023
I am so grateful for this Beautiful tea. Keeps me calm and centered. Thank you so much 💚
- Monique
July 21, 2023
I am very satisfied with the He Shou Wu I have outstanding results with taking this product from the Meta center and I would like to thank you
- Henry W.
July 19, 2023
Great turmeric powder, the real deal!
- Ben
June 29, 2023
Day 2 of using the Ginseng and simply chewing a tip of the root has given me energy. I’m allowing my saliva to dissolve the root while chewing here and there and man, I can definitely feel the difference as my mental stimulation increases from 0 -10 almost instantly. Thank you.
- Antoine B.
June 22, 2023
I've found that using magnetic shoe insoles really helps with my back pain while I'm on my feet throughout the day.
- Kevin
June 22, 2023
These vitamins are the best. They go down easy and do not upset my stomach even if empty! I don’t take the full dose and the benefits are still amazing! The only ones I will use as long as they are available.
- Belinda
June 19, 2023
My order was shipped on time, satisfied with my purchase and will buy again.
- Muwanika
June 19, 2023
Satisfied with my purchase and will buy again.
- Muwanika
June 19, 2023
Satisfied with my purchase and will buy again.Thank you Dr. Delbert Blair for the legacy you left behind with Tony.
- Muwanika
June 16, 2023
This tea has a deliciously mild flavor and the convenient packaging was generously filled. I have had this herb on my mind for awhile now and thankfully the metacenter carries it. I typically steep a cup in the morning and after i am feeling energized so I know this tea packs a nutritious punch.
- Shavonne
June 16, 2023
Satisfied with the purchase, shipped on time.
- Muwanika
June 12, 2023
freedom to feel safe around electronics and other radiation emitting devices
- Justin
June 11, 2023
I chose this product for reasons other than sleep/dream. Very satisfied with the results. Thank you !!!
- June
June 11, 2023
I purchased this product as another daily supplement to improve my health, so I was really surprised it help me feel better when I got sick. I would definitely buy this again. 👍
- June
June 7, 2023
It's great to see the comparison and similarities between the various ancient religions/beliefs that were practiced so long ago and still are to this very day around the world.
- June S.
May 6, 2023
I ordered the Miracle Lotion. My expectation was high because of my great experience with every other products I've tried. But again my expectations were exceeded. This is better than the best!!! I will order a case of this lotion and give it away to my relatives and friends!!! Only one application of this lotion makes your hands feel like a baby's bottom.
- Vonetta D.
April 23, 2023
I want to say that I have been getting premonitions like crazy. I had a dream that my coworker was going to get full custody of his daughter and the person that told me was a friend of mine in our break room. A week later my supervisor told me that my coworker got full custody but it was in his office. I thought it was strange that my supervisor told me but not my coworker but it was literally in the same area. Even though it was a different person who told me, it was the EXACT same subject and word for word. So I am definitely buying more so I can stay up to date in my future. 🙂
- Robbie w.
April 16, 2023
I've been working with Tony over the last 2 years going through the prerequisites and just working through my own challenges in life.
First and foremost I deeply appreciate the meta center always being around for support as it greatly helped.
Because of my specific goals on top of the training itself my session was about 6 1/2 hours. He said that this length of time is typical of a 2-3 people session but as long as I could handle it, he was willing to be there as long as needed.
The training itself was quite intensive and it was about an hour just testing my abilities (which I specifically ask of him to do).
Lunch and then another short smoothie break was provided which helped greatly.
It was so much that happened that I'm still processing it all but I wanted to share my experience so others would know that it's real which it most definitely is.
Tony reminds me of a darker skinned professor x which is absolutely hilarious.
I appreciate you all! And see you in June!
- Enoch
April 15, 2023
There is no other word than "excellent" for this product!
- Daron O.
April 6, 2023
I noticed a difference right away. It's a must purchase, a great value for EMF protection.
- sharon d.
April 6, 2023
This Lecture/Presentation is exciting, informative and knowledgeable because Dr.Delbert Blair gives you Earth Metaphysical History from beginning to end. He goes really deep by sharing the Truth on various topics he talked about and the things they hide from us. I advise everyone to definitely purchase this Digital Download and listen to it attentively to absorb the information he presented with clarity.
- oneil_14rich
April 6, 2023
Once again another brilliant Lecture/Presentation by Dr.Delbert Blair and everything he talked about in it is happening in the World we live in today. The information he presented is very informative and knowledgeable so we can make wise decisions in our everyday lives.
- oneil_14rich
March 29, 2023
I Am an avid user and supporter of products produced by the staff at The Meta Center. I Am quite sure Dr. Delbert Blair is very pleased with his Alkhemists. I consistently use the Monoatomic Gold and have recently ordered the Concentrate and I Am excited about using this product as well. I will post a review of this product soon. Thank you ALL.
- Daron O.
March 21, 2023
This honey is so delicious. It added an extra flare to whatever tea I added it to. Definitely ordering this again 👍🏾
- Raghib D.
March 20, 2023
I gained a clear understanding on how to access “Super Human” powers. The course far exceeded my expectations and I’m glad I took the training! Not only did we review a wide range of extra-sensory concepts, we performed various exercises and experiments to test this new found knowledge and understanding. Immediately, I was able to see the strengths and weaknesses of my abilities. Plus, I’m scheduled to receive a follow-up consultation to further assess my skills as a result of completing the training. This consultation also covers suggestions and information on ways to improve my abilities even more! I highly recommend the One-On-One training if you’re serious about accessing your Super Human abilities. I also recommend it if you believe that you are “awakened” or newly “awakened”. Take the training, you are well worth the investment.

- Anj
March 15, 2023
Every smoothie here I will try and review on my eating show on YouTube @dajeffersons1211
- Sapphire
March 5, 2023
Quality as usual. Very fresh and excellent packaging. Can't wait to continue use.
- James
February 27, 2023
The title says it all. The content is presented simplistically and it's easy to follow. Plus, I love the recipes, both the meals and the smoothies, yum! I've been passing the book link to my friends, because I want them and others to use this knowledge to improve their health, thank you!
- Anj
February 23, 2023
The Ultimate Body Detox Cleaner is self explanatory, its simply amazing because everything it says on the bottle it does and you will definitely see the results within the 7 days guaranteed . IT works for me cause i see my results from using it within that same time frame.
- oneil_14rich
February 23, 2023
Good Hair is an excellent Healthy product because it has all the vitamins, minerals, nutrients and nourishment your hair needs. The same thing goes for your Skin and Nails, you will see the results within a couple of days by consistently using it.
- oneil_14rich
February 23, 2023
If you want to dream use this product because it works!! Worth every penny
- Herschel S
February 18, 2023
Very informative
- Theodore E B
February 18, 2023
This is my second review on this product after consuming my 3rd bag. I have notice that when urinating I have a steady flow of water and this wasn’t the case before taking this product. This will be definitely something I will keep in my daily routine. Thank you for products like this that will keep our bodily functions running properly!
- Christopher G
February 3, 2023
This is authentic Shilajit which has the consistency of tar. I put it a warm beverage like coffee or tea and drink it. I am feeling less tired.
- Felicher J
January 21, 2023
I Could Feel The Power Of This Stone As Soom As I Put In On!!!! Thanks To Dr Blair, Tony & The Whole Meta Center Team! I show much Gratitude 🙏
- Troy M
January 18, 2023
When taking this product I felt energized almost immediately. I had plenty of energy throughout the work day! I will keep this product on the shelf.
- Chris G.
January 16, 2023
I have used Reshi products for the past 10 years, infact I am a distributor of Reshi products. (Organogold) However, I had never experienced raw Reshi and I have discovered that it is many times more potent as well as a delicious taste. I can't say enough about how pleased I am with this product! Instead I will share that I recently notified my distribution Manager and informed her I will be terminating my contract this year.
- Elaine
January 16, 2023
The Lavender Honey was the first flavor I tried and it was the first time I had real unrefined raw honey. I hope to never use store bought honey again. I find this honey to be very medicinal and spirituality inducing. I have a spoon every night before bed!
- Elaine
January 15, 2023
The Cleaner is a excellent product, it’s works very good on my system internally cause it cleaned my kidneys, Stomach, Prostate, Blood, Lungs, it removed Toxins from Body, it cleaned my Colon, Liver and Skin. Plus it removed waste pounds from stomach so it is no longer bloated and has excess fat around it, basically my stomach now is flat and I can see my Abs. My energy has increased more because I’m moving way faster than ever which is helping me with my workout in the Gym and other activities I’m doing during the day. I will definitely be ordering more later on in the year.
- Oneil Richards
January 14, 2023
My mental clarity, ability to focus and stay on task for 10-14hrs a day is stronger than ever now. Probably *tmi but I also have been meditating to balance and transmute that youthful energy and vigor into a deeper and stronger connection to source. Thank you
- Cody Blair
January 12, 2023
I didn’t want to write a review till I was sure. Now I am. Best brain food I’ve ever used. To test the results because I was feeling so different I took the tablets for 3 weeks and then took a brain enhancing test like, math,reading, writing and my score was off the charts.
I got off the tablets for like three weeks took the test again and my scores were average at best. I don’t know what it is but for me the tablets made me think faster and more in-depth. Gonna keep at it . Thank you meta center for making such an powerful and needed product so affordable and accessible.
Cheers 🙂
- evita.brown85
January 12, 2023
All I can say is that I wish it was longer.
- evita.brown85
January 11, 2023
Excellent product from the first sip of this herb I felt a boost of energy and a feeling of light 💡 like my brain was working at a very high peak felt super focus.
- Ed solo
January 11, 2023
Excellent ❤️!! This product REALLY works. This is one of the items I like to keep on stock. Has a “smooth” flow😀.
- Regina
January 3, 2023
Taste is amazing. Have had it with Be Well tea and Red Rooibos. A great additive to two already lovely products. Upset a used it all in about a week. Haha
- natewilliams16
January 3, 2023
Since school began my Son seems to become sickly. I’ve tried all over the counter product but they only work temporarily. Once I gave him a cup of Be Well tea about 2 Days everything cleared.
- natewilliams16
January 3, 2023
I use this for me and my 2 children and I must say there is a BIG difference from chemical product. Skin feels very smooth, but I do recommend the exfoliating soap bag for it to last long.
- natewilliams16
January 3, 2023
I’ve had a cup twice a day since purchase. Very pleased.
- natewilliams16
January 3, 2023
Amazing product. Great Stress, Anxiety, and Depression reliever. Can perform task with much will power. My testosterone is at great levels. Also feel a growth in strength and can see the muscle mass building.
- natewilliams16
January 2, 2023
A Simply Astonishing Product!!!!! I just placed an order for TWO (2) of the Monoatomic Gold and look forward to the Monoatomic Gold Concentrate!!!!!
- Daron K. Owens
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