Detailed Analysis of your Natal Chart and the Node that Governs your Past. Why did you enter into this realm the way you did? Why is your personality the way it is? What lessons should I have learned? Many Answers lie within this chart which may bring clarity within one’s subconscious.
This report is usually 5-7 pages long.
Chree (verified owner) –
*** This was purchased as part of the Astrological Bundle ***
Excellent service provided by the Meta Center. The service is exactly as described in the information and more… I purchased it for myself and will be purchasing for all my children. The charts give you full knowledge of who you are supposed to be from birth. It also goes into what your suppose to learn and work on this lifetime. It has given me the steps to be the highest version of myself. The revelations in this service are mind blowing. You will read things about yourself that you may have not spoken to anyone. The location portion is on point as well. In saying what places on the planet you will be able to make the most amount of money or where can the energies on the planet assist in your education. What was deep with my experience intuitively I have been moving around close to the areas that power up my potential. This is an excellent service. I recommend this to everyone.
All can benefit