Detailed Analysis of your Astrological details to expose weaknesses in ones armor so that they may not fall victim to crime or circumstance.
This chart was inspired by the nature of the current world (it wasn’t always like this) and how many would like to know does the universe have anything to say concerning securing one’s life. To show the area’s that one may try to attack, and what you can do to improve your cosmic defensive state.
Tony analyzes the environment around them based on your birth information and promotes awareness of crime and possible solutions for avoiding it.
The purpose of this chart is to provide you with information which you can use to help protect yourself (or your child) from crime, based on your astrological chart.
You will receive this in PDF form.
Report is 12-17 pages.
If the chart is to be as accurate as possible, please be as precise as possible when it comes to the birth time.
Sclyler (verified owner) –
This was splendid, prior to the meta center Astro bundle I had pretty much used every free Astro chart website so when it came to certain parts of my Astro Bundle purchase I had a lot of fragments already collected that I was able to put together with the Astro bundle tapestry. What I will say is this Astro security was out the box because it shows you how your Astrological makeup is influencing your external environment in regards to security, it’ll help you realize your true archetype. Like think of Avengers or X men when each character has a super power that can be used as protection. This will tell you that power, how to use it, and which other super power, like (arch nemesis) to look out for, and don’t be weary of what that may be because you’ll be guided on who to call on or what to do to deal with that nemesis. Remember the avengers/X-men is squad oriented. When a bully shows up, the hulk shows up!
willonius (verified owner) –
This is a MUST buy! My security chart was so insightful. It not only provided so much valuable info on how to protect myself but also info on what I needed to do to stay in alignment. I highly recommend purchasing this tool.
Shavonne –
I know what you are thinking, ” I don’t need this chart because I am not worried about such things.” However, this is exactly the chart you need to be the best and strongest version of yourself. I received my chart, and it went beyond my expectations and has ignited a spark within me that I needed to see. This chart will not make you fearful or worrisome, but inspire you to be your best and strongest to help others. Once again, thank you metacenter for your wonderful products.