Detailed Analysis of your Astrological Sign combined with the Asteroids that orbit around us to bring about an inner clarity that is so precise it may align one with their true purpose immediately.
You will receive this in PDF form.
Report is 3-6 pages.
This does not include a verbal consultation, this is for the ‘Asteroidology’ report only.
If the report is to be as accurate as possible, please be as precise as possible when it comes to the birth time.
Shavonne –
The asteroidology analysis is so spot on in accuracy. This is an amazing tool to have for yourself and or your children while on this journey called life. I am so thankful for the products provided by the Metacenter Chicago, they are truly gifts from universe. Do not hesitate, invest in yourself or those you love and purchase.
Marisela –
Asteroidology, I didn’t even know you existed but the accuracy about my life is astounding. Not only did i gain a new topic of interest but more importantly, i was reminded of childhood dreams that still remain today. The path to achieving these dreams has been beautiful and still in progress but I appreciate this reading so much for the accuracy, and for reminding me that i am on a path…
I highly recommend the Asteroidology reading for those who are looking for clarity about their lives~
Chris –
I am dumbfounded by the amount of life changing services the Meta Center offers. I thank the Universal Prime Creator for this company!! Family purchase this product it is only 6 pages and it gives you precise information into finding your purpose and what may need to be worked on to heal and assist in further developing self. Perfect product for young children to assist in developing gifts early.