Detailed Analysis of your Astrological Sign in relation to the planet Saturn and its orbit.
Saturn as a planet has such historical significance and seemingly relevance to the on-goings of our shared reality that there are people and groups who praise it as the true sun.
Interesting right?
Within an astrological chart Saturn tends to move slow, passing through each space, changing and influencing these spaces with its high vibratory tides, like invisible waves moving forward resonating throughout time.
This chart focuses on the structure of your life: from the potential you have at the moment of birth all the way through to your older years where you may be the vessel of knowledge for the next generation.
Saturn, considered the father of time knows.
As such, always remember astrology should only be looked at as a tool. Not something you need to stress over each and every statement made.
You will receive this in PDF form.
Chart is approximately 20 pages.
Please note: If the chart is to be as accurate as possible, please be as precise as possible when it comes to the birth time.
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