Detailed Analysis of your Astrological Sign for instruction which may help one rise thru the lessons that each chakra teaches.
Your aura AKA magnetic field is a field of energy that surrounds your physical body, internally and externally. It has seven main energy centers within it called chakras. Chakras are vortexes of energy, and they are the places in your aura where divine consciousness can come in and manifest in your physical body, especially if you are receptive to it and use your willpower to allow it to enter.
This centers are examined via your astrological makeup which may help one progress much faster, while in-depth understanding of the journey one is within takes place.
Some people are stuck within the lessons which a Chakra is emanating but instead of focusing on it, one instead lives within the heart, which is great, but because of such the power needed from the root to power the expressions of the heart aren’t present. So one feels love lost.
It is deep and self reflection is always good to ponder this avenues within self.
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Report is 3-6 pages.
This does not include a verbal consultation, this is for the ‘Chakra Rising’ report only.
If the report is to be as accurate as possible, please be as precise as possible when it comes to the birth time.
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