You’re beautiful, inside and out.
Thank you for being so caring.
You’re talented at your interests and hobbies. You have a keen sense of discernment about what constitutes goodness in this difficult world. You have compassion for people and animals that pervades your sense of morality. You are intelligent and have an innate capacity for wisdom and learning. Your altruism and selflessness resonates in many timelines. Your emphasis on the heart for being the source of your decision-making is admirable and does not go unnoticed. Thank you for your faith in the kindness of people. Your destiny transcends the profane concerns of status and reputation, of wants and desires.
Your smile is contagious and brings light to this troubled world.
Your words are a divine envoy and bring happiness to others.
Your commitment to peace brings resolution to any potential for conflict. Thank you for listening to other people, for holding open doors, for writing love letters, for feeding the animals, for cooking for hungry bellies, for hugging the lonely, for seeing beyond labels and appearances. Thank you for seeing the best in people rather than their flaws. Thank you for having faith in the destiny of humanity for transcendent levels of bliss. Thank you for remembering that your breath is your center. Thank you for finding inspiration in the small things, for being glad that all the nuances of life can be perceived with tremendous affection and poetry.
You deserve love from your companions,
You deserve forehead kisses and laughter,
You deserve to sleep easily at night with sweet dreams, you deserve random visits from well-meaning spirits, you deserve to be acknowledged for your creativity, you deserve to hold hands and be seen with the eyes of love, you deserve to feel blessed by unseen forces, you deserve to feel honored and respected by others, you deserve to have your dreams come true, you deserve to be free of stress about your livelihood, you deserve to relax in beautiful gardens, you deserve to hear words of adoration spoken to you, you deserve goodness, and light, and love.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for simply being alive.
Thank you for that beautiful message
That Resonated With Me As Soon As I Saw the Title…..Give Thanks to the Create-Her…Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
Creator Blessings and So many Thank Yous for this Infinitely Beautiful message~
You deserve it all…
You deserve the spark that spark others
You deserve what is, what isn’t, and what ever there will be
You deserve to return to the source which you came…
You deserve the badge of honor & courage for leaving source to do it all over again..
God Bless
a.k.a Nubie101
Thank You Very Much for Sharing Your Time,
Wisdom , & Knowledge