Greetings Everyone!

Many of you already know that we sell many raw herbs and combinations of herbs for Men and Women which may help with different challenges.

Well, today we’re going to discuss the challenge of sexual desire and a quick and simple recipe which may help many of you.  This is for Men and Women.

Libido or sexual desire is a psychological state that manifests itself as the urge to engage in sexual behavior.

Many experience a lack of interest if the physical or psychological aspect is not attended to. This does not include the lack of libido or sexual desire due to trauma, disease, circulation issues, or a physical impairment.

Some Benefits of Clove Ginger Tea:

  • Men
    • Prevents Early Ejaculation
    • Boosts Motility and Sperm Count
    • Amplifies Sex Drive
    • Improves Testosterone
    • May Help Prevent Diabetes
  • Women
    • Improves Desire
    • Offers Better Stimulation
    • Increases overall clitoris sensitivity
    • Promotes Weight Loss
    • May Increase Odds of Conceiving
    • Eases Menstruation Symptoms
  • Other Benefits
    • Protect liver health
    • Protects the stomach lining
    • Decrease inflammation.
    • May help with minor circulation issues
    • Anti-microbial
    • May help prevent Cancer
    • May help with Weight Loss




  • 1 1/2 Cups Water
  • Ginger (1-2 inch piece)
  • Cloves (1 Teaspoon)
  • Cinnamon (optional – 1/2 teaspoon)
  • Lemon slice (optional)
  • Honey (optional)


  1. Put water into pot and turn heat on, to begin the boiling process
  2. Grate about (1) 1-2inch piece of ginger into the water
  3. Put 1 Teaspoon of Cloves into the Water
  4. Optional – add 1/2 teaspoon of Cinnamon into the water
  5. Bring to boil and let boil for 5 minutes
  6. Once done let sit to cool for 5-10 minutes
  7. Strain your tea water into a cup
  8. Optional – Add Lemon Slice
  9. Optional – Add a dash of Honey
  10. Enjoy!

Suggested Use

  • Tony recommends drinking this 1-2 times daily.


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Ginger Related

Clove Related

Tony Vortex
S.T.E.M. Researcher & Teacher | Healer - Tony is the Spiritual Son to the beloved Dr. Delbert Blair. At age 11 he began to study plant life and their healing mechanisms as it bothered him deeply to see so many older family members needlessly sick. Throughout the years he has been sharing what he knows so that others may live a life full of abundance while exploring its mysteries.

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