Greetings Everyone!
Many of you know of the very large private library that we have at The Meta-Center. 100s of books are at the center plus thousands in total spread across are 2 main locations.
Well, we’re currently bringing in many more and because of space requirements 100s have to go!
So in the coming days you will start to see a multitude of titles available for purchase.
Please note:
- You’re welcome to come to The Meta-Center and rummage through directly to find that gem you’re curious about.
- Not all titles will be available online, some you will have to come in directly to see and purchase.
- Out of print titles are price at current market value, all other titles are deeply discounted.
- Most are 1-off’s, meaning, there is only 1 available and once it’s gone it’s gone.
Book Categories:
- Health & Wellness
- Diagnosis
- Herbs
- Medications
- Formulas
- How-to’s
- Psychology
- Sociology
- History
- Ancient History
- Military
- Grid Down / Collapse
- Fiction
- Astrology
- Tarot
- Energy Work / Chi
- Electronic Engineering
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Botany